Silly Rabbit, Easter’s About Jesus

30 Mar

Five Minute Friday.

Give us your best five minutes on:  Gift…

Jesus is the gift. Cue the Christmas bells, deck the halls, and hang the garland…yes,  Jesus being the gift is often a Christmas message. But, what about right now.

Today, days before Palm Sunday, two weeks before Easter morning.

Do we still think of Jesus as a gift?

“God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NIV).

That’s a pretty big gift. It is huge. It is ginormous. It is life-changing with eternal consequences.

Gifts under a Christmas tree and brightly lit messages that say, “Jesus is the reason for the season” makes it easier to recollect on the idea of Christ being the gift.

But commercial Easter isn’t even about gifts for the most part. It’s a floppy hat, a basket and an egg hunt.

Silly Rabbit, Easter’s about Jesus.

So, in the midst of all of that, even as Christian, I sometimes fear we lose the idea that in His death and resurrection we are given the gift.

Easter, true authentic Easter, (push aside the bunny, eggs and ham for a moment) is a great offering.

Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna in the highest!

The gift. It is the ultimate gift from God.


And it is a beautiful, life-changing gift.

Have you accepted it?

3 Responses to “Silly Rabbit, Easter’s About Jesus”

  1. Rachel Wojnarowski March 31, 2012 at 11:40 am #

    Good stuff, Girl!

  2. Mud & Mire March 31, 2012 at 11:44 am #


  3. Stacy April 2, 2012 at 3:00 pm #

    Mmhmm, the greatest gift!! Love this Karen!

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